Author: Connor Shearwood
A Sprue, a Runner and a Gate
Plastic is fantastic. High impact polystyrene and ABS are wonderful materials for making miniatures from. They are lightweight, flexible and elastic enough to be resistant to light bending, but hard enough to be easily cut and shaped with hand tools. It’s also cheap. If you buy a box of hard plastic miniatures today, the box…
The Daemons are in the Details
When the second edition of Horus Herey dropped last in June last year, I was optimistic. The edition looked good, we had a strong release schedule ahead full of interesting things, everything was good! But it didn’t take long for things to slip. Rules broken in the core book, the slow and creeping realisation that…
Heresy is a Heresy
I have been playing Games Workshop’s Horus Heresy since Autumn 2015, when I purchased three resin weirdos on a whim because some of my friends already played it was primarily Forgeworld resin infantry and I liked the idea of playing Mechanicum. I made a thrall-heavy list using stripped down skitarii and had a ball, and…
Virtual Conferences, Virtual Rewards
2020 has been a wash for conferences and conventions, and I’m not sure their virtual alternatives actually help.
The Curse of Everything is Awful
A follow on about digital board game prototyping and how everything is awful
A brief discussion of the aftermath of the effort to produce PPE for local medics during the early stages of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic.
Elite Dangerous
A brief exploration of why I’ve played over 170 hours of Elite Dangerous in the last ten weeks.